
You’ve got questions…We’ve got answers!

Becoming part of our community means an instant support system, experienced teachers and knowledgeable staff ready to help.

What are your school hours?

Do you have before- and after-school care?

Cougar Care is our before- and after-school supervision program offered every day that school is in session.

Is it too late to enroll my child for this school year?

Chapel Hill Academy accepts applications for students on a continuous basis throughout the year. Some grade levels may have a wait pool. Please call for current status. 

You are welcome to tour and start the application process right away, finalizing your enrollment for the upcoming school year. Questions? Contact our Admissions Office

What is the process to apply for financial aid?

Financial Aid gives families the opportunity to apply for tuition assistance each year.

This is completed by filling out a Financial Aid application located on the Financial Aid page.

Describe your curriculum.

A biblical worldview is fully integrated into every aspect of our curriculum.

We use all Christian publishers for core content courses (ACSI, Bob Jones University Press). Curriculum and textbooks are reviewed regularly and are selected based upon the ability to meet specific objectives in place for each subject.

Do you offer a foreign language?


Spanish is offered beginning in 1st grade.

Does CHA complete standardized testing?

All students in grades 1-8 complete the NWEA, MAP Test (Northwest Evaluation Association, Measures of Academic Progress) in the fall and spring of each school year.

MAP is designed to measure student achievement in the moment, and growth over time, regardless of grade level. MAP gives quick feedback to teachers, administrators, students and parents.

What is your the average amount of homework per night?

On average CHA can expect approximately 10 minutes of homework each night times the grade level

(Grade 3 X 10 minutes = 30 minutes of homework/night).

This varies in the upper grades based upon efficiency of the student in the classroom to complete work, special projects, etc.

How is technology being integrated in the classroom?

Chapel Hill Academy is committed to providing the most current technology for students.

  • K-1 students have access to various applications offered through iPads.
  • Elementary students (grades 2-4) have classroom access to Dell 2-in-1 (Windows 11) laptop devices.
  • Middle school students are assigned Dell 2-in-1 (Windows 11) laptop devices (1:1).
  • All students are given a free Microsoft 365 account for use in the classroom and at home.
  • Each classroom is equipped with an interactive panel (Newline Panel or Smart Board) and the entire school facility features fiber internet with secure and managed wireless internet access.

Do you offer bus transportation?

Chapel Hill Academy students may use District bus transportation if they reside or use a bus stop in District 112.

We also have carpool options available contact the Admissions Office to request to be added to the carpool list.

Please see the Drop Off & Pick up page for more details Transportation Information.

Do you require uniforms?

School-approved uniforms must be worn at all times during school hours. View our Dress Code Policy here.

What sports are offered at CHA?

Athletics are offered to students in Grades 4-8*

Teams participate in the SSYO (Southside Youth Organization) and play teams from other area private schools.

*2nd and 3rd Grade boys and girls are given the opportunity to begin basic skills and team building through our winter Hoopsters basketball program.


  • Volleyball (Girls, Grades 4-8)
  • Soccer (Grades 5-8)
  • Cross Country (Grades 3-8)


  • Hoopsters Basketball (Grades 2-3)
  • Basketball (Grades 4-8)


  • Track & Field (Grades 4-8)

How to become a CHA Corporation member

We encourage all family members to become corporation members.

Here’s how to qualify!

  1. Family uphold the CHA Community Covenent.
  2. Tuition account is in good standing.

Benefits of membership include:

  1. Right to vote for Board members.
  2. Strategic actions that require corporation vote according to the bylaws.

Not sure if you are a Corporation member or not? 

To become a Corporation member, contact the school office by email or by calling 952-949-9014 to request an application. When your completed application is received, it will be submitted to the Board for review at their next scheduled meeting. You will be notified by mail of the Board’s approval.