
Visit our school Health Office and you will find that your child’s health needs will be met with care.

Our Health Office is equipped with all your child would need from first aid kits to a quiet and cozy place to lie down along with proper storage of medication. We invite you to contact our school nurses, Mrs. Ritter and Mrs. Kuehn, any time during the school year if you have a question or concern about your child’s health.

What type of health services are provided at CHA?

  • First aid hearing and vision screening, scoliosis screening in selected grades
  • Work closely with families to support student medical needs
  • Communication regarding school health concerns
  • Manage individualized health plans for students with health needs
  • Maintain health records

Is CHA a peanut free school?

We offer peanut-sensitive classrooms and lunchroom, and our teachers review medical safety procedures regularly throughout the year.

When should I keep my child home from school?

Please see visit the Parent Cornerto see the CHA Illness Policy.

School Nurses

Health Services Documents & Forms can be found in the Parent Corner