
Honoring the vision cast 25 years ago

We are grateful to all the CHA families, grandparents, alumni, partners, and the community who support Christian education at Chapel Hill Academy. Their gifts and prayers impact this ministry and the students and families it serves.

The Fulfilling the Vision campaign includes the recently completed renovation and construction project:

  • Demolition of the former parsonage space and garage (currently Junior Kindergarten)
  • Rebuild/renovate the Early Education area
  • Addition of two large music classrooms and storage
  • Physical Education/Multi-purpose addition
  • Physical Education equipment and bleachers storage

These facility upgrades allow CHA to be positioned well and respond to God’s direction for the future.

Your year-end gifts are crucial as we work toward filling CHA’s gap of $414,000 to complete the funding of the $3 million Fulfilling the Vision campaign. Whether you have already contributed or you are new to the CHA community, we invite you to partner with us in prayer and consider a year-end gift to support this need and help CHA stay on course with its mission – To glorify God and assist families by providing a Christ-center education which inspires and enable students to pursue spiritual maturity and academic excellence.

Together, let us support God’s work by blessing future generations of families committed to Christian education at Chapel Hill Academy.

Submit a Pledge or Gift

Your support will allow CHA to complete what began decades ago and be positioned well to respond to God’s direction for the future.

What forms of giving are available?

Your Commitment is welcome in the form of:

  • Cash/Check/Credit Card
  • Appreciated Assets
  • Real Estate
  • In-kind Gifts
  • Securities

Support CHA’s Need

  • Pray for Chapel Hill Academy and its eternal impact on the lives of young people.
  • Seek God’s will concerning your family’s participation in helping CHA fill the gap of the Fulfilling the Vision campaign.
  • Share and encourage friends and family to support Christian education at Chapel Hill Academy.

Submit a Pledge or Gift

We are so grateful for your support of the Fulfilling the Vision campaign. If you feel called to financially support this campaign, please see the following options listed below.

Chapel Hill Academy is a designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit, private educational institution, and a tax-deductible receipt will be sent to the donor.

The following items are included in the Fulfilling the Vision project:

Jr. Kindergarten Classrooms

The Early Education program began following the Building a Legacy of Faith campaign in 2016. The space was originally designed as living quarters for St. Hubert’s clergy and later housed CHA administrative offices from 1998 to 2016. Minor renovations to the old parsonage reflect a warm and inviting learning environment for preschool aged children, yet this part of the building has required significant maintenance and must be replaced due to its age, condition, and accessibility. Phase 3, Fulfilling the Vision plans include demolition and reconstruction of a new, beautiful space designed for the unique needs of our young learners. The new Early Education wing will include three classrooms, restrooms, and equipment storage.

Music Classrooms

Facility expansion and renovations will provide the spaces needed to capitalize on the interest and vision for CHA Fine Arts. The plan includes music and band rehearsal classrooms, instrument storage, and added storage areas for fine arts performances.

Multi-purpose Space 

CHA’s growing student body requires more space for physical education, activities, and events. A fitness/multi-purpose space will be added on the north side of the locker room area will provide flexibly in PE scheduling and new opportunities for student and community use.

The 2016 project (Phase 2) included new restrooms in the gymnasium hallway. The restroom space was taken from PE equipment storage which resulted in challenges for our athletics and physical education programs. At the time of the 2016 project, the intention was to prioritize new storage space for equipment and bleachers. Phase 3 plans address these needs by including a sizable two-story/mezzanine equipment room with a slide in compartment for bleachers storage.